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Our Committee and their sub-committees serve as key partners in our Prince of Peace Community to follow our parish mission and bring people to Jesus through their unique opportunities.


To get more involved with one of our committees, contact us!

Click A Committee Logo To Learn More

parish council logo
finance council logo
FYI logo
Pastoral Care logo
Y. A. M. Logo
discipleship logo
Worship logo
B&G logo
Parish Life logo
welcoming logo
social logo
holy Name Logo
Knights of Columbus Logo
Picnic Logo
spring auction logo

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care encompasses the clergy, deacons, staff and care ministers bringing Christ to the community. To learn more about this incredible umbrella of ministry, see the CARE page.

Discipleship Committee

​Purpose: The discipleship committee provides opportunities & experiences to encounter God’s infinite love thereby allowing us to develop & strengthen our personal relationship with Jesus. These shared experiences of Grace will lead our community to become missionary disciples and live the gospel by sharing our giftedness in support of our parish and community.
Activities: Know Your Faith, Breaking Open the Sunday Scripture, Bible Studies, Retreats, Alpha, Pen Pal Program
Welcoming New Members:   
Contact Jackie Goral

Discipleship Meeting Minutes

Building & Grounds Committee

​Purpose: To provide for the continual care and maintenance of the parish buildings and grounds

Accomplishments: Re-lamping, Memorial Garden Fountain, Building Security, Parking Lot, Long Range Maintenance

Welcoming New Members: 
Contact Bernie Lotto

Building & Grounds Meeting Minutes

Finance Council

Purpose: to assist the pastoral leader in the wise stewardship of the material gifts entrusted by God to the parish in support of the mission of the parish and broader Church.

Specific Responsibilities: accounting system, budget, financial reporting, internal controls, fundraising, property management & safekeeping and personnel.

Chairperson: Danae Srnka

Finance Council Meeting Minutes

Family & Youth Initiatives (FYI) Committee

​Purpose: To support the Religious Education program and provide Catholic formational opportunities for youth and families.

Activities: Family Movie Night, Northern Aces Remote Control Air Show, Breakfast in Bethlehem, Magi Market, Feed My Starving Children and Vacation Bible School

Welcoming New Members:
Contact Jenny VandenLangenberg

Meeting Minutes

Helping Hands Ministry Committee

Purpose: to inspire the people of Prince of Peace Parish to be aware of those in need

Activities: Garden of Goodness, Giving Tree, Paul's Pantry, Red Cross Blood Drive, Advent by Candlelight, Community Collections, Sewing Ministry, NEW Community Shelter Meal

Welcoming New Members:
Contact Mary Kollross

Meeting Minutes

Parish Council

Purpose: The pastoral council is the pastoral leader's consult council so that he may benefit from the council's work of study, reflection, and recommendation. The pastoral council is to investigate pastoral matters both physical and spiritual, consider them thoroughly, and propose practical conclusions about them. In dialog, the council and the pastoral leader come to an understanding of the physical as well as spiritual concerns and needs of the people of the parish and broader community. The council, along with staff, assists the pastoral leader in the development of parish goals and priorities. After the pastoral leader has accepted the recommendations of the council, he directs their implementation.

Co-Chairs: Donell Bonetti & Sara Shefchik

Meeting Minutes

Worship Committee

​Purpose: to assist in planning and providing for the spiritual development of the members of the parish through liturgical celebrations and significant prayer experiences

Accomplishments: All Soul's Remembrance Service

Welcoming New Members:
Contact Carla DeGrave

Meeting Minutes

Young Adult Committee (YAM)

​Purpose: Coming soon

Activities: Coming soon

Welcoming New Members:
Contact Neil Saindon

Meeting Minutes

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Parish Life (formerly Community Life)

This Committee oversees the Social Committee but also encompasses our bigger event fundraising committees for the Picnic & Car Show as well as the Auction.

​See more details/activities under each sub group and committee.

Meeting Minutes

Welcoming Committee

​​Purpose: to be welcoming disciples of Jesus for all who come to Prince of Peace.

Activities: Be available before and after most Masses, Picnic & Car show and other major events

​Always Welcoming New Members:
Contact Phyllis John

Meeting Minutes

social logo

Social Committee

Purpose: to bring community together to build fellowship, enjoy good food and have fun!!

Activities: Coffee & Rolls Sunday, Spring & Christmas Flower Sales, Lenten Fish Dinners

Welcoming New Members: 
Contact Janet Lotto

Meeting Minutes

spring auction logo

Spring Auction

To support our parish through a fundraising effort, focused around food, fellowship and faith in an auction event-type setting.

Meeting Minutes

Picnic Logo

To support our parish through a fundraising effort, focused around family entertainment, fellowship and faith in a picnic & car show event-type setting.

Picnic & Car Show

Meeting Minutes

Knights of Columbus Logo

Passing the gift of faith to your children is the single, greatest gift you could offer them. When we lead in this way, others follow. 

Knights of Columbus #16333

Knights of Columbus #16333

Meeting Minutes

holy Name Logo

Holy Name Society

Meeting Minutes


Prince of Peace is a welcoming and engaged Catholic church in Green Bay, WI with a great community, a place to connect with others, and a safe space to grow in your faith closer to Jesus.

POP is a place to pray and a place to play.




3425 Willow Rd

Green Bay, WI 54311



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