Liturgies of the Mass
The Catholic Mass comprises two main parts: the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
During the Liturgy of the Word, scripture readings are followed by a homily, and the congregation professes their faith. The Liturgy of the Eucharist involves consecrating bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
This climaxes in Communion, fostering a sense of unity among believers through shared prayers and sacred gestures. The Mass is a profound communal act of worship, rooted in tradition and rich in ritual.
Learn more about each liturgy of the Mass:
Anyone with a basic training can be an Usher for Mass.
Essential duties include:
- Hold Open The Doors
- Assist With Seating
- Take Up Monetary Gifts
- Help Those In Need
Your commitment could be as little as just one weekend Mass per month. We especially need help at our 6 PM Sunday Night Mass. Please prayerfully consider becoming an Usher at Prince of Peace.
To learn more about Ushers at POP, contact us!

Anyone (any age) who received First Communion can be a part of the Mass by assisting the Priest & Deacons up at the Altar.
​Basic duties include, but not limited to:
Light the Candles
Take up the Cross
Hold the Book
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Ringing the hand-bells
Training is available. Contact us to get started with being an Altar Server at POP!
To learn more about Servers at POP, contact us!