These policies exist for the general safety and protection of our entire community
Safety Policy
Prince of Peace in the diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, believes in being a welcoming and engaged community. We want to ensure safety and security to all who join us. This includes doing our best to protect our community from instances of potential threat or harm. Our entire POP community is dedicated to providing a safe environment on our campus and in our community. We reserve the right to question any suspicious, potentially dangerous or threatening behavior and take appropriate actions to ensure the safest outcome for our community. Thank you for doing your part to keep Prince of Peace a safe and secure place to pray and a place to play.
Communications & Data
Under the guidance of our pastoral leadership, we seek to know our Lord better and love those in our lives and community more fully. We strive to approach each situation with pastoral sensitivity by speaking the truth with love. As a community, we do our best to understand and meet people where they are at in their spiritual journey.
The Social Media, Communication and Technology platforms of PRINCE OF PEACE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY are moderated by our Staff. We welcome open discussions that are driven by charity and honesty. All comments and conversations online and in-person must be civil-toned, respectful and reflecting discipleship in Jesus Christ.
PRINCE OF PEACE reserves the right to block or delete irrelevant posts/comments especially, those that are inaccurate, contain offensive statements, personal insults, spam or repeated posts, personal marketing of businesses or companies, and promoting political agendas and ideologies.
Any questions with this policy/procedure, feel free to contact Red at any time: web@popgb.org
Flocknote Data & Communication Notice
Your data and contact information will ONLY be used by FLOCKNOTE for PRINCE OF PEACE PARISH, strictly for our communication and contact purposes. It will NOT be sold or shared for any reason unrelated to FLOCKNOTE PRINCE OF PEACE PARISH communication purposes!
Full FLOCKNOTE privacy policy: https://flocknote.com/privacy
Pets & Animals
​Prince of Peace strives to be an active and welcoming community, an open environment for all. However, we understand there are also various pet allergies, fears of animals, etc., so we must defer to the most compassionate and pastorally sensitive stances pertaining to animals/pets as follows:
No pets are permitted, with the proper ADA exception (see ADA definition & guidelines for more details).
Any exceptions must have documented approval prior and will be noted on the parish calendar for public awareness and safety. Please see service animals as defined by ADA. Email the parish for written consent: parish@popgb.org.
No pets are permitted in open outdoor areas, with the exception of dogs, preferably only on the far east grass area.
Dogs are not allowed near the playground and/or children's play areas at any time.
Dog owners must be near their dogs at all times with leashes suggested and preferred for safety.
Dog owners must also clean up after their pets, including with the waste removed from the POP premises.
No pets at any POP events, unless approved by the Pastoral Leader and advertised/communicated prior by the organizing committee/group.